Sunday, 27 September 2009

The One with the Bus

Well, this past week and a half has been rather uneventful. Highlights include tie dying on Sanford Mall, where we got free t-shirts and dyed them lots of pretty colours. Mine has now dried and it actually looks quite good :) Another highlight was that me and Becca went on an adventure to find the car hire place to rent a car for the gig on Saturday, and we got the Pop 105 bus, which I'd never ridden before (basically the Appalcarts have lots of different routes depending on where you want to go. There's the blue, gold, red, orange etc. and then the Pop route which goes along route 105 which is one of the most major roads around here). The route is beautiful, it goes up to some student accommodation which is really high up so the view was amazing :) I like to ride the bus, it is fun and seeing as it is free here, even better!

Another highlight was my popular culture class. Sadly we didn't go on a field trip this time, but Larry showed us lots of old footage of when he used to go to TV shows to be in the audience and he used to ask lots of questions so he used to get on TV :) he looked funny in all the various clips from different years. He also showed us some documentary footage that students who used to go to their loft in NYC shot when they were there over a summer.

Yesterday I got a phone call from Nesibelli (from Kazakhstan) and she invited me to her room to have dinner because she had cooked her national dish. It was really good, we watched Finding Nemo on her roommate's massive TV and ate the food (which was chopped chicken and potatoes with lots of herbs, it was really good) and drank grape juice. She's really fun, and I've learnt a lot about her culture which is great.

Today I have been studying for two exams which I have on tuesday. I went to get food from McAlisters, and because everybody raves about their sweet tea I tried it. It was actually really delicious. Being British I felt kind of like a traitor to proper tea, but it was definitely nowhere near as good as Sainsburys Red Label :) Tonight I have been fingerpainting with my roomie and watching Independence Day, cos we're cool like that :)

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